BinksVille - Political Prison #2031. Wing B, Floor 1.

The Rats have been imprisoned for months by Each day, Rats are taken for "Work" and never seen again. The Rats can't sit back and wait for death. Prisoner 1312, Martin, has devised a plan to break out. Any Rats that escape will possibly join the ranks of the rumored Rat Resistance. 

Below, you can find my level design process for this level.

Level Design Process

Step #1 - Level Design Document

Caged Rat Level Design Doc

This step of the process lets me orginally define what I need for the space and to define early goals for the player. 

Step #2 - Quest Design

This step of the process lets me define the meaning of the level and general narrative flow.

Step #3 - Paper Prototype

This step of the process lets me flesh out the overall design  / flow before going to the blockout stage in engine.

Step #4 - Blockout of the level

This step of the process lets me test flow for the player in a playable space. This process is where the level design, for me, goes through its most iterations.